

Natalie Jackson

Chair and Safeguarding Governor

Natalie enjoys contributing and supporting the school by being a school governor. Natalie has four children, all of whom attended St Johns.

Mike Robinson

Foundation and Health & Safety Governor

In February 2020, Mike returned to St Johns as Foundation governor. Mike is a skilled school governor with over 15 years experience in the role and as a practicing Catholic, he is supportive of the school’s Christian ethos and the teaching of the Catholic curriculum.

Angela Robinson

Foundation Governor

Angela joined the governing team at St Johns in February 2020 and has always been involved with helping and supporting school children. Angela is a practicing Catholic and her faith brings support to St Johns and its teaching staff.

Karen Moseley

Foundation and Safeguarding Governor

Vice Chair, Science and RE

Angela Simmonds

Curriculum and Health & Safety Governor

Local Governing Body Minutes: