School Uniform
All children are required to wear the school uniform.
Generic items can be purchased at most large supermarkets.
Pre-loved uniform is available from the Office.
Uniform List:
School sweat shirt
White or school polo shirt
Grey trousers or shorts
Grey pinafore or skirt
Royal blue and white gingham dress - optional for summer
Grey or white socks or tights
Flat black, blue or grey shoes (not trainers or boots)
Royal blue or school sun hat - optional for summer
PE kit:
Navy blue or black shorts
White or school PE T-shirt
Trainers for Classes 2 and 3
Black plimsolls for Class 1
Plain navy/black tracksuit bottoms
Grey or white socks
PE bag
Swimming costume and towel for swimming
- All articles of clothing, including footwear MUST be named.
- For safety reasons, no earrings except 1 pair of small studs may be worn, no other jewellery except watches and a small cross and chain may be worn in line with County Health & Safety guidelines.
- All jewellery has to be removed for PE - this includes earrings.
- No valuable watches should be brought in to school.
- Mobile phones are not allowed in school. We cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage to jewellery or watches.