
Uniform Policy

We have a fantastic new uniform supplier - Yard Park at Admiral Court, Dartmouth (opposite Sainsbury's).
They are now available to print our sweatshirts at a great price of £11.  All other plain items of uniform are available at most supermarkets.
We are hoping to be up on Yard Park's website soon, but for now if you would like to order please email yardparkdartmouth@gmail.com or call 07980 960912.

School Uniform

All children are required to wear the school uniform.

Generic items can be purchased at most large supermarkets.

Pre-loved uniform is available from the Office.


Uniform List:

School sweat shirt

White or school polo shirt

Grey trousers or shorts

Grey pinafore or skirt

Royal blue and white gingham dress - optional for summer

Grey or white socks or tights

Flat black, blue or grey shoes (not trainers or boots)

Royal blue or school sun hat - optional for summer


PE kit:

Navy blue or black shorts

White or school PE T-shirt

Trainers for Classes 2 and 3

Black plimsolls for Class 1

Plain navy/black tracksuit bottoms

Grey or white socks

PE bag

Swimming costume and towel for swimming


  • All articles of clothing, including footwear MUST be named.
  • For safety reasons, no earrings except 1 pair of small studs may be worn, no other jewellery except watches and a small cross and chain may be worn in line with County Health & Safety guidelines.
  • All jewellery has to be removed for PE - this includes earrings.
  • No valuable watches should be brought in to school.
  • Mobile phones are not allowed in school.  We cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage to jewellery or watches.