Curriculum Policy
Our mission is to be a community of outstanding schools in which our pupils flourish in safe, happy and stimulating environments and leave us with the knowledge and skills, personal qualities and aspirations, to make the world a better place, inspired by the Gospel.
Curriculum Intent
Our Curriculum is skills based and knowledge rich. We cover less because we believe that our children should have the opportunity to study areas of the curriculum in greater depth. We want our children to produce exceptional outcomes, whilst developing their independence, curiosity and creativity. We want to produce collaborators, innovators, leaders and much more than anything else young people who understand what it is to be human. (Johnathan Lear 2019).
The following outline our main curriculum intentions.
Intention 1
Develop the characters of our learners. We are committed to the development of the whole person who cares about the world and fellow mankind and has a strong sense of moral purpose. We want our pupils to go out and make a positive difference in the world and to be ‘agents of change’ in the modern world working for justice and Peace. We want our pupils to have a set of values that involve them caring about the planet and humanity. They are active citizens in an ever changing world.
Intention 2
Develop Learning
The development of subject specific knowledge and skills so that children can flourish, reach and exceed their potential academically, creatively and physically. They have the highest possible standards in communication, reading, writing and maths. They have knowledge and skills in Science, Geography and History. They are aware of the importance of and participation in the arts and cultural themes.
Intention 3
Develop effective behaviours for learning fostering a love of knowledge and life-long learning.
Behaviours such as communicating, co-operating, resilience, perseverance, active listening, imagination, creativity, risk-taking, curiosity, self-improving and independence.
Intention 4
Develop the personal and social skills of each child so they can participate and contribute fully to life in the modern, changing world and community. Developing children’s character including mental and physical health.
Each child is special and made in the image of God. Each young person has a calling in life which is to love and do good things according to their skills and abilities.
Develop children as leaders through Class responsibilities, School council and leaders in Catholic Life.
Our Values
Our Gospel Values are the main drivers of our curriculum and underpin all that we do. We desire for our pupils to think about the world they live in and develop beliefs from a wider perspective and develop meaningful connections linked to this.
Our Gospel values are:
Our Curriculum explores the following concepts whilst building children’s knowledge and skills, making space for thinking and enable children to hopefully think for themselves.
Adversity |
consequences |
freedom |
passion |
spirituality |
beauty |
creativity |
friendship |
peace |
stewardship |
Belief |
democracy |
happiness |
poverty |
strength |
belonging |
discrimination |
identity |
power |
sustainability |
care |
diversity |
individuality |
prejudice |
tradition |
change |
dreams |
influence |
pride |
Transformation |
choice |
duty |
integration |
protest |
trust |
Class |
equality |
judgement |
reform |
truth |
Cohesion |
failure |
justice |
resilience |
value |
Common good |
fairness |
love |
responsibility |
virtue |
community |
faith |
loyalty |
rights |
weakness |
Compassion |
fear |
media |
Sacrifice |
wealth |
Conflict |
forgiveness |
morality |
Segregation |
Well being |
Consent |
Free will |
oppression |
service |
Wisdom |
Curriculum implementation
Our Curriculum maps provide an overview of the curriculum coverage for each Class using the National Curriculum as a starting point. The curriculum is planned allowing children to have first-hand experiences which are meaningful, purposeful and engaging. We endeavour to use our rich local community visits and visitors to inspire our children. Policies for individual subjects ensure progression and assessment inform future planning.
Curriculum Impact
Class teachers and support staff have the responsibility to ensure that classroom practice and delivery match our curriculum intentions, skills progression and Curriculum policies.
Subject leaders monitor subjects that they lead reviewing learning, pupil voice and providing feedback to move areas of development forward.
Senior Leaders monitor implementation and review the impact of the curriculum.
Governors monitor the curriculum progress via leadership Reports, Governor visits and meetings with subject leaders.
Monitoring is linked to SIP priorities and our four main curriculum intentions.